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Careers for Net Zero QLD Roadshow

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<p>Careers for Net Zero QLD Roadshow</p>

Join us in Queensland

The Careers for Net Zero QLD Roadshow will showcase the many career opportunities that will help deliver an equitable, prosperous and net zero emissions Australia.

After the success of last year’s inaugural Careers for Net Zero Fair in Melbourne, we are excited to announce the upcoming Careers for Net Zero QLD Roadshow. The events will connect students, graduates and experienced workers from across regional Queensland with employers committed to sustainability and growing the clean economy.

Each event will showcase local opportunities in the clean economy, including clean energy, critical minerals, and manufacturing, and feature addresses from key local government and industry stakeholders.

The Careers for Net Zero QLD Roadshow will be happening at:

  • Toowoomba (Jagera and Giabal land) – 6 August 2024
  • Gladstone (Gooreng Gooreng and Gurang land) – 9 August 2024
  • Townsville (Wulgurukaba and Bindal land) – 14 August 2024

If you want to find your next employee in Queensland and showcase your company’s commitment to sustainability find out more about our limited exhibition and partner opportunities.

The Careers for Net Zero QLD Roadshow is proudly supported by the Queensland Government. Careers for net zero is a joint initiative from the Clean Energy Council and the Energy Efficiency Council.

  • Toowoomba (Jagera and Giabal land) - 6 August 2024
  • Gladstone (Gooreng Gooreng and Gurang land) - 9 August 2024
  • Townsville (Wulgurukaba and Bindal land) - 14 August 2024