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Our vision is for Australia to be powered by clean energy.
We work to accelerate Australia’s transition to a clean energy future, laying the foundations for Australia to become a clean energy superpower.
We are committed to accelerating the transformation of Australia’s energy system to one that is smarter and cleaner. We lead and support the growth of clean energy in Australia by:
- Providing a strong voice for our members
- Standing up for and promoting the clean energy industry
- Developing and driving effective policy and advocacy
- Working with industry to continually improve standards and maintain integrity
- Working closely with local, state and federal governments to remove roadblocks and increase demand for clean energy products
- Providing services and initiatives to members and the wider industry that help grow the sector

of Australia's energy generation came from renewable sources in 2023.
of renewable capacity (large- and small-scale combined) was added to the grid in 2023.
Approximately 3.7 million Australian households have rooftop solar PV systems installed.
Meet our board
The Clean Energy Council is governed by a board of 10 directors.
Our members help shape the direction of the Council by voting for directors in our Annual General Meetings, dependent on their level of membership. You can get involved by becoming a member.

our board
Ross Rolfe AO
Chair and CEO, Iberdrola
Ross is Chair and CEO of Iberdrola Australia, formerly Infigen Energy. Ross has decades of experience in the energy and infrastructure sectors in executive management, government, and strategic roles. In 2008, Ross was appointed CEO of Alinta Energy during this time he completed a capital restructuring of the business and stepped down 2011. Ross was CEO of Stanwell Corporation (2001-2005) – a pioneer of the Australian renewable energy industry. He also served as the Chair of CS Energy (2012-2015). Ross was Director-General of Queensland Government Departments, including: Premier & Cabinet, State Development, and Environment & Heritage, as well as Coordinator-General.
Meet our Executive Leadership Team
Our Executive Leadership Team is responsible for managing the delivery of our strategic plan by inspiring, supporting and collaborating with colleagues and other stakeholders.

Kane Thornton
Chief Executive
Australia is taking big steps in the global leap towards a clean energy future. We're here to support our members leading that charge.
Meet our General Managers
The Clean Energy Council is the voice for the clean energy industry.
We lead and support the growth of clean energy in Australia by providing a strong voice for our members, standing up for and promoting the industry, driving effective policy decisions, working to improve industry standards, and offering industry leading education and certification services.
In the news
Latest news
Read the latest updates from the Clean Energy Council and across the industry.