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07 Aug 2024
Please find below the Clean Energy Council website terms of use, including our copyright notice.

The Clean Energy Council Limited (ABN 84 127 102 443) (Clean Energy Council) is the owner, operator and publisher of this website.

The terms of use

These are our terms and conditions for use of the website. By using the website, you are deemed to have accepted them. 

We may update or amend these terms and conditions from time to time, at our sole discretion.  Any changes we make to these terms and conditions will be effective once they are published  on this page. Please ensure that you review this page regularly as you will be deemed to have accepted the published terms and conditions if you continue to use the website.

Registering as a site user

Some areas of the Clean Energy Council's website require you to be registered as a site user. To become a registered user, you must complete your registration details in the manner described on the website. By entering your email address and password, you will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions

We allow you access to the login areas of the website on the basis of being a personal user, in that your email address and password are personal to you and may not be used by anyone else to access the Clean Energy Council's website. As a site user, you warrant that you will not maliciously create additional login accounts for the purpose of abusing the functionality of the website, or other users; nor will you seek to pass yourself off as another user or otherwise act unlawfully or for an improper purpose.

If, for any reason, we believe that you have not complied with these terms and conditions, we may, at our discretion, cancel your access to the login areas of the Clean Energy Council's website immediately and without giving you any advance notice. If we wish to bring the agreement to an end, we will do so by emailing you at the address you have registered stating that the agreement has terminated. The agreement will terminate and your email address and password will become invalid on the Clean Energy Council's website immediately.

If you register with the Clean Energy Council's website, you should also read our privacy policy.

Copyright notice

Unless otherwise indicated, the Clean Energy Council owns the copyright and any other intellectual property in the material on this website, including all text, information, data, video, graphics and sound (the Material). Some of the intellectual property in the content may be owned by someone else and is included on our website under a licence or agreement.

You may only access and use the Material for your personal or non-commercial use. Unless you have express written approval from the Clean Energy Council, you may not copy, distribute, modify, transmit (by any form or means), repost or otherwise use or exploit the Material. You may download or print out any Material displayed on this website for your personal use only, provided that you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials. None of the Material or any part of it may be reproduced on any other Internet website. You must not use this website for any purpose that is unlawful or otherwise prohibited by these terms and conditions.

No liability for material on the website

All information provided by Clean Energy Council on this website is provided in good faith. You accept that any information provided by Clean Energy Council on this website is general information and is not in the nature of advice. Clean Energy Council reserves the right to update any part of the Material at any time. To the extent permitted by law, we do not accept any responsibility for any information or statement in the Material. You should seek professional advice before acting or relying on any Material which is made available to you on this website.

You agree to use our website for lawful purposes only.

To the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any loss caused or damage suffered as a result of your doing, or not doing, anything as a result of viewing, reading or listening to the Material or any part of it (except for death or personal injury attributable to our negligence and to the extent permitted by law).

We give no warranties of any kind concerning the Clean Energy Council or the Material. We do not warrant that the website or any of its contents is virus free. You must take your own precautions in this respect as we accept no responsibility for any infection by virus or other contamination or by anything that has destructive properties. We will have no responsibility or liability in relation to any loss or damage that you incur, including damage to your software or hardware, arising from your use of this website.

You acknowledge and agree that any tools, calculators, estimators, results and output produced by using the website are estimates only, and that we do not guarantee that these estimates will match actual calculations made in given circumstances. We do not guarantee the accuracy or suitability of any calculations, designs, or other specification documents produced by the website.

We make no representation, promise, guarantee or warranty about any financial calculations, forecasts, cost savings, energy consumption, or energy consumption savings, or for any other outputs produced by using calculators or other tools on the website. We make no representation, promise, guarantee or warranty that any outputs produced by using any functions on the website will be compliant with Australian or International Standards.

We make no representation, promise, guarantee or warranty about the accuracy, truthfulness or completeness of any compliance documents submitted directly via or by using calculators or tools on the website.

Under no circumstances will Clean Energy Council be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages, damages for loss of business, damage to reputation, business interruption, loss of profit or opportunity or other profits arising in relation to use or access of or inability to use and access the website or any Material.

No liability for third party material on the website 

You can access other sites via links from our website. These sites are not under our control and we are not responsible in any way for any of their contents.  The links provided to other web sites are done for convenience purposes only and Clean Energy Council does not purport to sponsor, approve or endorse any of the content at linked sites. 

Material submitted by third parties on the website is the sole responsibility of those third parties. We accept no responsibility for the content of third party material, including, without limitation, any error, omission or inaccuracy therein.  

The Clean Energy Council accepts no liability in respect of any material submitted by users and published by us, and is not responsible for its content or accuracy.

If you submit material to us for publication on the website, you may do so on the condition that: the material you submit to us does not infringe the intellectual property rights, moral rights or any other relevant rights, of another party; that the material you submit is not obscene, offensive, defamatory of any person or otherwise illegal.  By submitting material to us for publication on the website, you grant to us a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable licence (including a right of sub-licence) to use, modify, disclose, publish and adapt all or any part of such material for our purposes.  

You acknowledge that any breach of these warranties may cause us damage or loss and, to the extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify us in full and permanently against any third party liabilities, claims, costs, loss or damage we incur as a result of publishing material you submit to us, including any indirect, consequential or special losses.

We reserve the right to make additions or deletions to materials submitted to the website, or to refuse publication by deleting the material.

Security of Information

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. Although Clean Energy Council seeks to protect such information, Clean Energy Council does not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information which you transmit to it. Accordingly, any information which you transmit to Clean Energy Council is transmitted at your own risk. 


These terms and conditions of use are governed and construed in accordance with the laws in force in Victoria, Australia. You submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria, Australia and any courts which may hear appeals from those courts in respect of any proceedings in connection with these terms and conditions of use, or the use of this website.

Email updates

By registering your contact details, you agree to receive email updates from the Clean Energy Council. Your personal details will be included on a database compiled for this specific purpose. To unsubscribe from email updates, use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email updates.

You can contact our Legal Officer as follows:

Post: Attn the Legal Officer
Clean Energy Council
Level 20, 180 Lonsdale Street

Tel: +61 3 9929 4100