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Working in clean energy

Powering Up: Clean energy on Country

Transitioning to clean energy in partnership with First Nations' peoples. Workshops and online training course launching in March 2025.
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Powering Up:&nbsp;<p>Clean energy on Country</p>

Artwork by Kevin Wilson, Nani Creative /

If the transition to clean energy is to be a just transition, the industry needs to build meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships with the Traditional Owners of the lands on which renewable energy infrastructure projects will be built and operate. 

That’s why the Clean Energy Council is delivering Powering Up in partnership with the First Nations Clean Energy Network so that First Nations' peoples can participate in and benefit from Australia's transition to clean energy. The project also guides people who are already working on renewable energy projects to engage with and foster truly collaborative relationships with First Nations peoples, throughout both the development and operational phases of projects. 

This project is supported by funding from the Australian Government through the Local Jobs Program. 

Powering Up e-Learning

A Powering Up online training course, focused on best practice engagement with First Nations communities on clean energy projects, will soon be available for people working in the clean energy industry.

The e-Learning package includes three 45-minute modules covering an introduction to leading practice principles for engaging with First Nations’ peoples on clean energy projects. These principles include respectful engagement, information sharing, protecting Country, culture, and the environment and embedding land stewardship into projects, as well as benefit-sharing, cultural competency, and reporting back to the community. The principles were co-designed with First Nations people through the Clean Energy Council’s ‘Leading Practice Principles: First Nations and Renewable Energy Projects’ guide and the First Nations Clean Energy Network’s ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Best Practice Principles for Clean Energy Projects’ guide.

The course will launch in March 2025.

Who should enrol in this course?

  • Individuals who work in or have backgrounds in project planning and management, the energy industry and policy, investors and academics
  • Graduates or new employees of project developers
  • Engagement and community outreach practitioners

Powering Up community workshops

To ensure First Nations are empowered to engage in new clean energy developments.

To ensure First Nations are empowered to engage, consent, negotiate and partner in new clean energy developments, the First Nations Clean Energy Network and the Clean Energy Council are hosting a series of free ‘Powering Up’ clean energy workshops in Geraldton (Western Australia), Rockhampton (Queensland), and Bendigo (Victoria).

First Nations people from these regions are invited to attend a two-day Powering Up workshop, which will focus on opportunities in renewable energy zones (REZs) and areas where significant clean energy development is proposed, providing vital information and pathways for them.  

The workshops will include information about the clean energy sector, employment opportunities, support available to obtain relevant skills and qualifications, and the impacts to Country of renewable energy projects.

More details coming soon.