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07 Aug 2024

These terms and conditions together with the registration form (if applicable) (Terms) apply to registrations for all events held by the Clean Energy Council Limited (ABN 84 127 102 443) (CEC) as a binding contract between CEC and the person (Registrant or you) who has either (1) registered or purchased a ticket to attend the relevant CEC event or conference (Event); or (2) has been invited by CEC to attend the Event.

You acknowledge and agree that these Terms apply to all Events whether delivered online, in-person, a combination of in-person and online or any other format.  

You acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by these Terms upon: (1) submitting your registration to CEC for the Event; or (2) attending the Event if you are not required to submit a registration to CEC. 


Registrations for all Events must be made via our online registration system. Your registration is subject to acceptance by CEC, confirmed in writing (including, but not limited, to email) after CEC has received your fully completed registration and the fee (if required) related to your registration (Fee). CEC accepts VISA, MasterCard and American Express credit cards. CEC may not be able to accept your registration if you have provided incomplete details in your registration form or failed to pay the Fee, or otherwise as necessary to protect CEC’s legitimate business interests.

CEC will endeavour to confirm your registration in writing within two (2) working days of receipt of your fully completed registration and Fee. 

If you choose to make a payment through an invoice, payment for registrations made through an invoice must be completed in full within seven (7) days from the date of the invoice. Payment of an invoice can be made online by Visa, MasterCard, or American Express or via EFT. All payment terms will be indicated on the invoice. If the invoice is issued within 7 days of the Event, it must be settled prior to the Event date. Failure to make the payment will result in the cancellation of the registration and admission to the Event will not be permitted.

If CEC has invited you in writing to attend the Event without the need to register for the Event and/or make any payment, you must provide your confirmation of attendance to CEC within the time specified in the invitation (if any).

CEC reserves the right to change the Fee at any time, which shall not affect registrations confirmed in writing by CEC before the announcement of such a change.

Once you have received your confirmation in writing from CEC, please check your confirmation and inform CEC immediately in writing of any alterations required to your registration.

To ensure that your catering requirements are able to be provided at the Event, please register by 5:00pm ten (10) working days prior to the Event. Registrations may still be lodged after this time, including in person at the Event if the Event has capacity. However, please note that in some cases  catering cannot be guaranteed for last minute registrations.

If you are registering for an Event on behalf of another person, it is your responsibility to ensure that the Registrant is aware of these Terms. By completing the registration for the Event, you are warranting that you have the Registrant’s full authority to register them, have made the Registrant aware of these Terms and that they have accepted them.

Please contact CEC on the contact details set out below if you do not receive your confirmation advice or if you have any enquiries regarding payments.


The member rate applies to current members of the Clean Energy Council, if you are unsure of your organisation’s member status please contact 

Concession registration is valid for government and NFP employees.

Student registration is valid for those currently studying an undergraduate degree relevant to the clean energy industry.

All prices listed are in Australian dollars and include GST.

Cancellations and transfers

Notification of cancellation of your registration for an Event must be advised in writing to (Notification) and be received:

  • for member mixers, 10 working days; and
  • for all other events including events described as summits or conferences,30 days,

 prior to the Event commencing (each a Final Cancellation Date for the relevant Event). 

The Notification must include your membership details (if applicable) and any other reasonable requirements of CEC for cancellation as may be notified to you from time to time.

If the Notification is received by CEC before the Final Cancellation Date, CEC will provide you with a refund of the Fee minus any reasonable administration costs (provided such administration costs are validly incurred by CEC in connection with the Event). To protect CEC’s legitimate business interests (such as costs incurred to produce the Event) refunds may not be made for cancellations received after the Final Cancellation Date, subject to CEC’s sole discretion. Refunds will not be made for cancellations made due to a change of mind, change in personal circumstances or if a Registrant fails to attend the Event. If you are unable to attend an Event, a replacement attendee may be sent in your place at no extra charge.  If you wish to request approval to send a substitute to the Event or to another person in your place, you must make such a request to CEC at in writing ten (10) days prior to the Event.

If you wish to bring a spouse, friend of colleague to the Event networking functions, you will need to purchase additional tickets for your guest(s). Please note that guests may participate in networking activities only and will have no access to the Event.

Modification, postponement, cancellation by CEC

CEC reserves the right at any time to: (a) change the format, participants, content, location and timing or any other aspect of the Event; (b) postpone the Event or any part of the Event; or (c) cancel the Event or any part of the Event, provided that such change, postponement or cancellation will only be actioned by CEC if it is reasonably required in accordance with CEC’s legitimate business interests, by providing written notice to you in advance of such change, postponement or cancellation (to the extent reasonably practicable). All Event cancellations, or changes to scheduled events, will be communicated via email to the email address provided upon registration. It is the responsibility of the Registrant to ensure the email addressed supplied is current and up-to-date. CEC will not be liable to you for any damages, costs, losses or expenses of any kind incurred or suffered by you as a result of or in relation to CEC modifying, postponing or cancelling the Event or any part of the Event. 

In the case of the Event being cancelled, changed or postponed by CEC you will be offered a full refund of your ticket price. 

CEC will not be in breach of these Terms for any failure to provide any Event that is caused by or arises from any event or circumstances beyond CEC’s reasonable control, including any acts of God, severe storm, flood, fire, earthquake or other natural occurrences, war, terrorism, civil commotion and riots, strikes and industrial action, epidemic, pandemic or public health emergency, or any resulting governmental action including work stoppages, mandatory business, service or workplace closures, full or partial lockdowns of affected areas, quarantines, border closures and travel restrictions or acts or omissions of governments and regulatory authorities (Force Majeure Event), and the time for performance of any impacted Event will be extended accordingly. If CEC’s performance of the Event is delayed or prevented by a Force Majeure Event, CEC will notify You of the nature, extent, affect and likely duration of the circumstances constituting the Force Majeure Event as soon as reasonably practicable and, as soon as reasonably practicable after cessation of the Force Majeure Event, will reschedule and provide the relevant Event. CEC will refund any Fees paid in connection with an Event the subject of a Force Majeure Event upon written request by you, minus any reasonable administration costs (provided such administration fees are validly incurred by CEC in connection with the Event).


Sharing of an individual ticket is not permitted for CEC Events. The CEC reserves the right to remove attendees from any Event where the ticket has been shared across multiple individuals.

Registrant’s rights and obligations at the Event

CEC reserves the right, without liability, to prohibit or refuse entry to any person to an Event, or eject any attendee from an Event, for failure to comply with these Terms or if in the reasonable opinion of CEC your behaviour is considered unlawful, inappropriate or offensive by CEC staff and/or its agents and others working under its authority (Representatives), or you represent a security risk, nuisance or annoyance to the running of the Event.

You agree to comply with all reasonable instructions issued by CEC, CEC Representatives, the venue operators or platform facilitators at the Event.

Dietary requirements 

All dietary requests must be received greater than three (3) weeks prior to the Event or an additional surcharge may apply. 

Provisions will be made for the following dietary requirements: Vegetarian, Vegan, Lactose and/or Gluten Free. A surcharge may be applied for dietary requirements outside of these including for religious dietary requirements.

Marketing and promotion 

Promotional or marketing materials may not be distributed at the Event except by Event partners and exhibitors in accordance with their partner or exhibitor agreement or otherwise with the written consent of the CEC. Attendees violating this policy may be required to leave the Event immediately.

Intellectual property 

All intellectual property rights in and to the Event content and all materials distributed at or in connection with the Event are owned by CEC and/or Event exhibitors, partners, or speakers. Attendees may not use or reproduce or allow anyone to use or reproduce any materials distributed at or in connection with the Event for any reason without the prior written permission of the CEC.

Photography and filming consent

All unauthorised photography and the recording or transmitting of audio or visual material, data or information is expressly prohibited at the Event and/or in or at the venue. You may seek permission from presenters, sponsors and/or attendees at the Event prior to taking photographs, screenshots or recordings of presentations, exhibition stands, display products, speakers and/or attendees at the Event.

You acknowledge and agree that you may be photographed, sound recorded and/or filmed by CEC, media or any other party at the Event. Photographs and/or film footage may be used for promotional and/or commercial purposes, including for use on the CEC’s website. You agree that filmed material may be reproduced as film, audio or written material.

The photographs and footage will be used by the CEC, and will only be released to an external party for the purpose of promoting the Event. You acknowledge that CEC has no control over, and is not responsible for photographs,  sound recording and/or film footage of you being lifted off the CEC website, or taken from a CEC brochure or other publication, and reproduced elsewhere.

Disclaimer of Warranty

To the fullest extent permitted by law, but subject to Statutory Rights and Consumer Guarantees below, CEC excludes all implied representations, warranties, terms and conditions of any kind whatsoever (whether implied by common law, statute or otherwise).

Statutory Rights and Consumer Guarantees

Nothing in these Terms is intended to exclude, restrict or modify any rights that you may have under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (CCA) or any other legislation which may not be excluded, restricted or modified by agreement. 

If the CEC or any other legislation implies a condition, warranty or term into these Terms or provides statutory guarantees in connection with these Terms, in respect of goods and services supplied, CEC’s liability for breach of such condition, warranty, other term or guarantee is limited (at CEC’s election):

  1. in the case of supply of goods, CEC doing any one or more of the following: (i) replacing the goods or supplying equivalent goods; (ii) paying the cost of replacing the goods or of acquiring equivalent goods; and/or (iii) paying the cost of having the goods repaired; or
  2. in the case of supply of services, CEC doing either or both of the following: (i) supplying the services again; and/or (ii) paying the cost of having the services supplied again.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, neither party will be liable to the other party under or in respect of these Terms for any consequential, indirect, or special damages, regardless of whether that liability arises in contract, tort (including negligence), at common law, in equity, under statute, under an indemnity or otherwise howsoever arising.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, we, our officers, employees, contractors and agents are not liable to you or anyone else for any loss or damage however caused and which is suffered directly or indirectly in connection with the registration of the Event or attendance at the Event, except to the extent the liability arises due to the fraud, negligence or wilful misconduct of us, our officers, employees, contractors or agents.   

You assume responsibility for the use of, and outcomes obtained from your participation in, the Event.

Third party rights

The provisions of Disclaimer of Warranty and Statutory Rights and Consumer Guarantees are for CEC’s benefit and the benefit of CEC’s officers, directors, employees, agents, partners, advertisers, information providers, licensors and suppliers. Each of these individuals or entities shall have the right to assert and enforce those provisions directly against you on its own behalf. 


Your registration for the Event and attendance at the Event, and any handling of your personal information, is at all times subject to the relevant privacy collection statement and CEC's Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time and accessible via the webpage:

By registering for the Event, you acknowledge and agree that your personal information may be displayed at the Event (for example online as part of a registrant list if you have opted-in to do so). CEC is not responsible for the subsequent use, disclosure or handling of your personal information by any exhibitor or any other person who obtains your personal information using electronic scanning software or if you otherwise provide your personal information to a third party during an Event (for example, if you provide your email directly to third party). 

Changes to Terms

CEC reserves the right to make reasonable amendments to these Terms from time to time. CEC will publish the amended Terms on CEC’s website and will provide you 10 days written notice that these Terms will be amended and from when the amendments will apply. The then current version of the Terms will apply.  Written notification does not need to be made to you specifically and can be made by displaying a notice of the upcoming change on CEC’s website or through a broadcast email or other form of message to all Registrants. 

You will be subject to the Terms in force at the time CEC registers you in the Event, and any amendments to these Terms will not apply retrospectively.


These Terms are governed by and are to be construed in accordance with the laws of Victoria, Australia. Each party submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria.

If there is a contradiction or inconsistency between these Terms and any other notices, policies, communications or documents relating to an Event then these Terms will prevail to the extent of that contradiction or inconsistency.

If a court determines that any provision of these Terms is invalid or not enforceable, that provision shall be read down or severed to the extent of the invalidity or unenforceability only, without affecting the remaining provisions of these Terms.

Any legal notices or communications regarding your service account will be sent to your nominated email address.

In these Terms of Use, unless the context requires otherwise: (i) any reference to a “person” includes any individual, company, corporation, firm partnership, joint venture, association, organisation or trust (in each case, whether or not having separate legal personality) and references to any of the same shall include a reference to the others; (ii) any phrase introduced by the words “including”, “include”, “in particular”, “for example” or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative only and shall not be construed as limiting the generality of any preceding words; (iii) references to the singular include the plural and to the masculine include the feminine, and in each case vice versa; and (iv) the headings and sub-headings are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the meaning of these Terms of Use.

Contact CEC

If you have any queries regarding an Event or our Terms, please contact CEC on +61 3 9929 4100 or email

These Terms were last updated on: 7 August 2024