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Approved inverters

We maintain a list of approved solar PV modules, inverters and batteries that meet Australian Standards. View approved inverters here.

The Clean Energy Council maintains a list of compliant inverters and power conversion equipment (PCE) that are approved for installation under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES).

This list is also used by some distribution network service providers to validate inverter energy system applications.

The equipment listed has shown sufficient evidence that it meets the required safety standards for use within Australia. Evidence of compliance, in the form of Certificates of Suitability, has been examined and verified by the Clean Energy Council.

Inverters with Software Communication Clients

The Inverters with Software Communication Clients list includes Inverters that are considered to have a communication channel that is compliant to IEEE 2030.5 CSIP-AUS, either hosted locally on the inverter or a gateway device, or via a certified cloud connection to the network operator utility server. This list is based on testing conducted by SA Power Networks.

Additional Listing Notes

* The Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) is a framework that regulates the supply chain of in-scope electrical equipment (low voltage equipment for household, personal or similar use). For more details about In-Scope equipment please refer to the EESS website. The CEC listing is based on proof of registration as provided by the manufacturer/certificate holder.

Model numbers with a (AS4777-2 2020) suffix are approved with a AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 Certificate issued by a JAS-ANZ accredited Certifier or State Electrical Regulator.

System designers are responsible for following manufacturer’s installation instructions and requirements. If multiple products from different manufacturers are to be installed, designers are responsible to ensure manufacturer’s compatibility requirements are met prior to installation.

The Clean Energy Council does not accept any liability to any person for the information or advice (or the use of such information or advice). The information provided here is done so on the basis that all persons using the information undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content. Please note carefully that Certificates of Suitability may no longer be current. Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information at

Listing of an inverter or PCE on the Clean Energy Council’s Approved Products List does not grant automatic rights of connection of these devices to networks. Individual network distributors may have additional requirements above and beyond the Clean Energy Council’s list requirements.

Apply to have your product approved

Or complete the relevant form below to apply: