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Industry programs

Advisory services

Our strategic and technical experts build industry credibility by transferring knowledge on solar, batteries and other renewable energy systems.
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<p>Advisory services</p>

Supporting industry and consumers

The Clean Energy Council's technical team offer strategic and technical guidance to the delivery of the product listing and New Energy Tech Consumer Code (NETCC) programs.

Providing technical advice

The team represents the Clean Energy Council on relevant standards committees and industry working groups, and provide advice on technical issues, industry requirements and industry capabilities. 

Advocating for better policy

Our technical experts provide advice on Clean Energy Council submissions for improving industry policies and regulation.

Industry consultation

Hear from our experts

Learn from our technical team when they speak at industry webinars and conferences, like the Australian Clean Energy Summit and All Energy Australia.

Education support

We support Clean Energy Council education projects by providing expert opinion for the development of technical resources.

Keeping the industry safe

Our team develop industry updates to amplify compliance requirements and ensure those working in the industry are doing so safely, for the benefit of both workers and consumers.

Industry education for improved compliance and consumer protection