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Find out how to apply to have your solar PV module added to our approved list.


Important notice

For manufacturers, retailers and industry

The Clean Energy Council is updating our PV Module application requirements to the 2021 version of the IEC 61215 Standards series. PV Modules that do not comply with the new Standard after 1 October 2024 will not be considered Clean Energy Council approved, unless an extension has been granted. Check the product nameplate label for which version of IEC 61215 the PV Modules are certified to.

Why get your PV module approved?

The Clean Energy Council maintains a list of compliant solar photovoltaic (PV) modules that are approved for installation under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). This list is used by the Clean Energy Regulator and state electricity regulators.

The equipment listed has shown sufficient evidence that it meets the required safety standards for use within Australia. Evidence of compliance has been examined and verified by the Clean Energy Council.

Accredited persons and retailers should always refer to the lists before performing an installation. 

Module testing must be performed by a test laboratory approved to test PV modules to these standards under the IECEE scheme. The certificate must be issued by a national certifying body associated with that laboratory, who are accredited to certify PV module testing under the IECEE CB scheme. 

Certificates must be issued after the date of joining the scheme.

The Clean Energy Council will only accept certificates where periodic factory inspections are carried out by the certifying body to ensure ongoing compliance with the international standards.

Enhanced listings: If your modules are certified for a higher standard of quality or are certified for specific environments, they may be eligible to receive an enhanced listing. Read more about enhanced listings further down this page.

Module testing and certification is accepted only from organisations listed on the IECEE website.

The Clean Energy Council requires manufacturers to nominate all importers of their products. Importers are responsible for meeting the manufacturer warranty obligations in Australia.

Importers must keep a record of all serial numbers and make them available to the Clean Energy Council and Clean Energy Regulator on request.

Importers must be a legally identifiable Australian or New Zealand entity, holding an Australian Business Number (ABN) or a New Zealand Inland Revenue Department (IRD) number.

The following documents must be submitted with your application:

  • IEC 61215/61730 Certificate
  • CDF for Certificate
  • Datasheet for all model numbers in application
  • Sample labels for all model numbers in application
  • Serial Number Format Information
  • Installation Manual
  • Warranty Terms and Conditions

Refer to the application checklist for information to be covered by the documents.

Note: Roof integrated modules may have additional requirements under the Building Code of Australia (BCA).

Applications will be delayed if incomplete or incorrect information is supplied. Detailed information can be found in the terms and conditions and application checklist.

The Clean Energy Council is updating our PV Module application requirements to the 2021 version of the IEC 61215 Standards series.

All PV modules approved by CEC will need to comply with the 2021 edition of the IEC 61215 series from 1 October 2024.

Effective 1 April 2024, CEC stopped accepting applications with IEC 61215:2016 certification - all new PV module applications submitted from 1 April 2024 are required to have certification to the 2021 edition of IEC 61215 series.

In recognition that any new PV Module application with IEC 61215: 2016 will have a listing period of less than 12 months, the CEC had offered a reduced fee of $1000 (+GST where applicable) for new PV Module applications submitted with IEC 61215:2016 between 1 September 2023 and 30 March 2024. This is no longer available.

The applicant must complete the Clean Energy Council’s online application form. You must also review the Clean Energy Council’s Listing Terms and Conditions and complete the declarations on the application form.

As part of the application, you must pay the application fee detailed on the previous page (and within the application form). Applications will not be assessed until the Clean Energy Council has received payment of this fee.

Additional requirements

Building integrated modules may have additional requirements under the Building Code of Australia (BCA).

Apply to have your modules included in our product listing

To have your solar PV modules included on the Clean Energy Council approved products list, ensure that your products meet the requirements outlined above, then begin your application.

Enhanced listings 

It can be difficult when purchasing a PV module to understand what makes a quality product. While the modules on the Clean Energy Council Approved Products List meet the relevant Australian and International Standards, this is only a minimum requirement.

To assist purchasers in identifying quality products, the Clean Energy Council’s list of approved PV modules now highlights products that meet a range of higher standards through enhanced listings.

An enhanced listing means that the manufacturer has undertaken to use only those materials that meet both the base standards and the requirements of the additional standards.

Enhanced listings give installers and consumers the critical information they need to select modules of the highest possible quality and that are appropriate to their installation environment.

After ensuing that you have met all the requirements in the Enhanced Listings Checklist, you can submit the details for consideration of an enhanced listing by email at the time of application.

No additional fee is charged for Enhanced Listings if applying with a PV Module application. Applying for Enhanced Listings for PV Modules already approved by CEC may incur an additional fee.

VDE Quality Tested

Rigorous surveillance and in-line production testing of production modules to existing standards is provided by the VDE Quality Tested program.

This certification program has been developed to provide assurance of increased confidence in the quality of modules. Along with quarterly laboratory testing of a sample of production modules.

IEC 61701 Salt mist corrosion resistance

This standard is important if you are installing in a coast location, particularly within 500m of the sea to ensure the modules will not degrade prematurely.

IEC 62716 Ammonia corrosion resistance

This is important in the vicinity of intensive livestock production such as chicken, pig and cattle sheds. The animals give rise to ammonia which can degrade some panels.

IEC TS 62804 PID Resistance

This technical standard provides test methods for resistance to potential-induced degradation (PID). PID resistance is an important requirement particularly for larger systems where long-term output must be assured.

Installations in hot humid environments are particularly prone, and the problem is exacerbated with higher system voltages. As a technical standard, there are two alternative test methods and no pass/fail criteria. CEC currently allows certification to Method A with <3% degradation.

Note for manufacturers 

Materials will be verified as part of the Clean Energy Council's test program, and non-complying products will be considered to be in breach of the listing Terms and Conditions.

Claims on datasheets of higher standards that are not granted an enhanced listing must be marked 'optional' or 'on request' if the Clean Energy Council has sighted evidence of testing. If no suitable evidence can be supplied, the claim is required to be removed.

When applying to have a PV module listed with an enhanced listing, please use the Enhanced Listing Checklist to ensure that you include all the required documentation.

Approved modules list

Browse the Clean Energy Council's list of approved (fire-tested) solar photovoltaic (PV) modules suitable for installation under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES).

Model Numbers with a (IEC 61215-2021) suffix are approved with certification to IEC 61215:2021.

PV module terms and conditions 

The terms and conditions below came into effect from 15 August 2023.

These Terms and Conditions will be published on the Clean Energy Council (CEC) website and are subject to change with three months’ notice. The Product manager will notify changes to these Terms, via notice on the website and email notification to Applicants.

Application requirements will be publicly available on the CEC website in the form of an application checklist. The Product Manager will notify changes to these requirements, via notice on the website and email notification to Applicants.

If an application is incomplete the CEC Product Manager may request additional information. If three consecutive incomplete applications are received from an Applicant, the CEC Product Manager may require a new application along with payment of a new application fee.