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10 Oct 2023

The program is expected to support at least two large-scale projects of at least 50 MW of capacity over a 10-year period, via a production credit per kilogram of hydrogen produced.

Clean Energy Council Policy Director – Decarbonisation, Anna Freeman, said that the program is a critical step in scaling up Australia’s green hydrogen sector, and signalling the country’s intentions to become a leading producer in the emerging global market.“It is encouraging to see the Australian Government moving swiftly to the next stage of the competitive process, following the consultation period on program design concluding in August,” said Ms Freeman.“With the real prospect of other regions stealing a march on Australia in activating their domestic green hydrogen sectors, speed is the key to staying a credible contender in the global clean energy investment race.“We currently have the largest project pipeline of any single country in the world. But proponents have been finding it extremely challenging to convert this renowned potential into commercially viable projects.“Hydrogen Headstart can help get at least a couple of large-scale projects over the line by helping them bridge the gap between costs and returns.“Noting that there are 22 GW of large-scale green hydrogen projects currently in the wings, we are also calling on the Government to outline its larger, long-term project support arrangements for early mover projects as soon as possible. This support should have the objective of accelerating the scale-up of Australian industry to an internationally cost-competitive basis.”


For more information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Liam Straughan
Clean Energy Council Media Officer
+61 409 470 683