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20 Jun 2023

Clean Energy Council Chief Executive Kane Thornton said the upcoming referendum was an important step towards momentous intergenerational change.

“The Clean Energy Council represents over 1000 organisations demonstrating their commitment to a better future in the biggest economic transformation since the industrial revolution,” said Thornton.

“This is a future dependent on working collaboratively and constructively with Traditional Owners of the land on which many renewable projects will be housed.

“Through these projects, we also recognise the opportunity to address injustice and inequity by acknowledging the wisdom of the world’s oldest continuous culture. The clean energy transition presents the chance to work in genuine partnership with First Nations communities across Australia. ’ said Thornton.

“At the same time, The Voice to Parliament is about Australia taking a giant leap so that the wealth of knowledge collected by a culture of over 65,000 years is respected and acted upon for the first time. To quote Virginia Burden: ‘co-operation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there’.

“Join us to vote ‘yes’ in the upcoming referendum and to walk with First Nations peoples for a better future.”

The Clean Energy Council is proud of its Reconciliation Action Plan, a critical step to ensure our organisation is culturally prepared to demonstrate its commitment to reconciliation and partner with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Australia’s clean energy future. We are privileged to take this organisational opportunity in partnership with the First Nations Clean Energy Network and are dedicated to listening and learning as we walk together. The Clean Energy Council’s Reconciliation Action Plan can be viewed here.

The Clean Energy Council, in consultation with KPMG, is currently working to develop a best practice guide for the renewable energy industry to support its engagement with Australia’s First Nations people that results in First Nations communities, people and businesses supporting, participating in and benefitting from the renewable energy transition.

The Clean Energy Council’s full statement in support of the Yes Campaign can be viewed here.


For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Liam Straughan

Clean Energy Council Media Officer

+61 409 470 683