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19 May 2023

Representatives of Australia’s renewable energy and university sectors have agreed to cooperate further in preparing and connecting graduates with career opportunities in Australia’s transition to a clean energy future.

As part of National Careers Week, the Securing the Future Roundtable was convened by the Clean Energy Council to discuss the details of a future partnership between the renewable energy sector and Australia’s tertiary institutions.

The objectives were:

  • Sharing information about existing programs and opportunities for industry, universities, and students to connect and collaborate
  • Informing current students and graduates about career pathways in Australia’s clean energy sector
  • Supporting and implementing solutions focussed on producing work-ready graduates

Clean Energy Council Director of Workforce Development, Dr Anita Talberg, said that Thursday’s roundtable demonstrated a strong commitment between industry and Australia’s tertiary sector to work together on an ongoing basis to secure the future delivery of the energy transition.

“This roundtable has been a long time coming, and what better timing for this important conversation than during National Careers Week.

“The clean energy sector is a diverse and exciting one to work in, and Australia’s energy transformation depends upon getting all the skilled hands and minds possible on board for this journey.”

The Clean Energy Council report, Skilling the Energy Transition, highlights that as renewable energy generation capacity and projects across Australia grow exponentially in coming decades, an estimated 50,000 jobs will need to be created to ensure the timely delivery of a decarbonised electricity grid.

“Regular, targeted consultation between industry and the tertiary sector going forward will help to inform what next steps look like in evolving existing programs and opportunities, and create new ones so that a diverse cohort of students and graduates are equipped to find, and commence a career in clean energy,” Dr Talberg said.

“Yesterday’s roundtable was all about working together to determine what steps need to be taken over the long term to achieve these goals.”

Following the roundtable, the Clean Energy Council will aim to:

  • Explore establishing a regular working group between industry and participating tertiary institutions to consult on future workforce readiness.
  • Develop an online directory of study and graduate programs across Australia focussed on institutions, relevant disciplines, key dates, and links.
  • Facilitate guest lecture programs by industry representatives within universities.
  • Explore the creation of industry-sponsored awards for students in recognised disciplines for academic excellence.


For more information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Liam Straughan
Clean Energy Council Media Officer
+61 409 470 683