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19 May 2023

The Clean Energy Council will work collaboratively with the Federal Government and the newly established Energy Advisory Panel to ensure we accelerate the deployment of clean energy to put downward pressure on electricity prices, reduce emissions and meet clean federal and state renewable energy targets.

Any new advisory body must focus on reducing complexity and increasing collaboration because we have no time to waste.With energy reliability continuing to be a key concern, providing the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) with more resources to ensure more projects can be connected to the grid ahead of the summer months is another positive step. Grid connection and network access are the top concerns of clean energy investors going back to 2019. Today's announcement builds on the work of the Connections Reform Initiative, a collaborative effort led by the Clean Energy Council and AEMO to get more clean energy connected, more quickly.The Clean Energy Council is also pleased to see the focus of the ECMC on First Nations partnership and involvement in the clean energy transition. That's why, in collaboration with the First Nations Clean Energy Network (FNCEN), we're developing a best practice engagement plan for industry based on the First Nations-led ten principles for First Nations engagement with the clean energy transition.


For more information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Liam Straughan
Clean Energy Council Media Officer
+61 409 470 683