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12 Dec 2022

“The Clean Energy Council has long advocated for sensible policy measures like this that accelerate Australia’s shift to renewable energy and energy storage,” said Clean Energy Council Chief Executive Kane Thornton.

“This decision will help unlock the next wave of renewable energy projects.“Energy storage will play a crucial role in supporting the massive amounts of new wind and solar needed for the future. While measures to accelerate storage rollout are important, we also need to develop the markets and technical frameworks that will enable stable, long-term investment in storage.

“Significantly, the decision to fund Australia’s renewable energy storage build-out via the Commonwealth will drive down consumer costs while not adding to already stretched household budgets.“Renewable energy is the only answer to keep energy affordable in the long term.”


For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact: 

Liam Straughan

Clean Energy Council Media Officer

+61 409 470 683