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06 Mar 2023

Webb, Neoen’s State Leader – Victoria, is thrilled to be the successful recipient and has a dedicated vision on making a difference.

“I’ve been working in the clean energy sector for almost 20 years and am so excited about where the industry is right now, and the fact that Australia is on the cutting edge,” she said.“What’s crucial now is that we create a fair industry that’s as good as it can be – and for young people to feel excited about it.“This AICD scholarship will help me to continue to shape the sector and take the next step in my career.“I am ready to leverage this experience to ensure I play a leading role in the Australian energy sector and in championing the brilliant women in this sector during the years to come.”As revealed in the 'Empowering Everyone' report, only 32 per cent of senior leadership roles in the clean energy sector are held by women, which drops to 19 per cent when looking at board roles.The AICD’s Foundations of Directorship program is designed for aspiring and new directors and provides an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of the boardroom.Now in its sixth year, the Clean Energy Council’s AICD Scholarship program again received an extremely high calibre of applicants.Jenny Paradiso, Managing Director, Suntrix and Clean Energy Council Board Member, who sat on the interview panel for this scholarship, will act as a mentor for Alicia Webb.“The keen interest in the scholarship demonstrates the need for such a program and the quality of applicants shows that the number of incredible women in the renewable energy industry is continuously growing,” Paradiso said.“I am looking forward to working with Alicia this year as her mentor. Having mentored the last two recipients of the Clean Energy Council AICD Scholarship, it’s great to see yet another outstanding woman join this group of inspiring role models.”The Clean Energy Council’s AICD Scholarship program is open to women working within Clean Energy Council member companies and accredited installers wanting to take the next step in their careers. Find out more on the Clean Energy Council website.


For more information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Liam Straughan
Clean Energy Council Media Officer
+61 409 470 683