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11 Apr 2024

The following statement is attributable to Clean Energy Council Chief Executive Kane Thornton:

"The Prime Minister’s speech marks another decisive moment for Australia’s ambition to secure a place as a leading nation in the global clean energy industry.

“It is positive news that the Federal Government has plans to back its vision with a substantial policy agenda, putting renewable energy at the centre of our economic future.

“The highlighted areas of hydrogen, green metals and advanced clean energy manufacturing and assembly are genuine opportunities for Australia to expand, grow and diversify our economy centred around clean energy and create further demand for a large and skilled clean energy workforce.

“We look forward to working closely with the Commonwealth on the proposed legislation to set Australia up to unlock its natural advantages in clean energy.

“The US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has vastly redefined the global race to net-zero and the challenge ahead for Australia’s own energy transition.

“The Clean Energy Council has been the leading advocate for a targeted response to the IRA, releasing its Power Playbook in October 2023, setting out 45 recommendations to put Australia on track to meet its target of 82 per cent renewables by 2030 and seize its opportunity as a clean energy superpower. This includes recognising the tremendous opportunities for Australia in green hydrogen, minerals processing and green metals production.

“While the size of Australia’s economy means we cannot match the full scale and reach of the IRA, smart and focussed policy and funding support can leverage our comparative advantages and expand our markets and economy.

“Establishing a coordinated response and building a more competitive renewable energy industry at home will create new jobs and opportunities, help Australia and the world to meet its climate and emissions commitments and ultimately set Australia up for future economic success."


For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Liam Straughan

Clean Energy Council Media Officer

+61 409 470 683