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26 Apr 2023

New energy tech is a large and growing sector. To date, it’s an industry responsible for installing rooftop solar on over approximately 3.4 million Australian homes, helping to reduce pressure on the energy grid during the summer peak and playing a pivotal role in keeping local economies moving.

Clean Energy Council Chief Executive, Kane Thornton, responded to Solar Victoria’s announcement, saying:“This decision by Solar Victoria to mandate that New Energy Technology Approved Sellers under the Solar Homes and Solar for Business programs puts consumers first and supports better outcomes for the solar industry.“The NETCC is a safety net for consumers, enabling them to make an informed purchasing decision as well as being assured that they are protected by an ACCC authorised program that amplifies existing consumer protections.”New energy tech provides an essential service, is high-value and employs technologies that require detailed quotes and contracts to be better understood by consumers.It is vitally important, therefore, that consumers are well protected in this market and provided with clear and comprehensive documentation to enable them to make an informed purchasing decision. The NETCC provides this safety net by defining and amplifying existing consumer protections through several additional mechanisms.New Energy Tech contracts require detailed quotations and performance information with technical data that can confuse consumers. The NETCC ensures that retailers are responsible for providing honest, clear and comprehensive documentation to enable them to make a fully informed purchasing decision and to ensure that products are fit-for-purpose.The Clean Energy Council is committed to continually raising the bar, improving standards and holding retailers accountable for the actions of their employees and sub-contractors, enforcing compliance with the NETCC and removing retailers who do not comply with the NETCC.


For more information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Liam Straughan
Clean Energy Council Media Officer
+61 409 470 683