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The following information is a summary of complaints and breaches that were not addressed by an Approved Solar Retailer who resigned from the program during an open investigation.
Code Section
Breach Level
Start Date
Chris Elec Solar Failed to respond to the Code Administrator regarding multiple complaints with suspected breaches of the Code Information to be provided to the Code Administrator Major 12 Aug 2022
Yello Energy Group Failure to provide a compliant contract Failure to be responsive to, and deal appropriately with, consumer Point of Contract In-house procedures and complaints handling Severe 26 Mar 2023
Ever Power Solar Failed to respond to the Code Administrator regarding a suspected breach of the Code Information to be provided to the Code Administrator Major 14 Apr 2022
Code Section
Breach Level
Start Date
End Date
Action Taken
First Sun Solar Failure to complete remedial actions within a reasonable timeframe Termination of signatories Severe 11 May 2023 28 Jun 2023 Signatory successfully submitted requested remedial actions. Procedural recommendations arising from external audit have been implemented.
Best Solar & Batteries Operating without a required license / Failure to adhere to ethical sales and quoting practices / Failure to provide a compliant contract Compliance with the law / Presale activities Point of contract Severe / Severe 10 Jun 2022 11 Nov 2022 Obtained required license to operate
UNIfied Energy Services Failure to be responsive to, and deal appropriately with consumer / Failure to provide the requested documentation and information In-house procedures and complaints handling / Information to be provided to the Code Administrator Severe / Major 29 Sep 2022 12 Oct 2022 Signatory successfully submitted requested remedial actions. Procedural recommendations arising from external audit have been implemented.
Eco Solar Australia Failure to complete remedial actions within a reasonable timeframe Termination of signatories Severe 06 Jul 2022 13 Sep 2022 Signatory successfully submitted requested remedial actions. Procedural recommendations arising from external audit have been implemented.
Sunlife Energy False and misleading statements Failure to provide a compliant contract Failure to have system design variations documented and signed off by the consumer Failure to take remedial actions to warrant the performance of the system Failure to be responsive to, and deal appropriately with, consumer Failure to provide the requested documentation and information Advertisements and promotions Point of contract Post-sale activities Warranty In-house procedures and complaints handling Information to be provided to the Code Administrator Severe / Severe / Major / Severe / Major / Major 04 Mar 2022 06 Jun 2022 Signatory underwent an external audit and implemented amendments to its pre-sales and post-sales procedures to prevent similar breaches reoccurring. Signatory successfully submitted requested remedial actions.
Kobi Energy Solutions False and misleading statements Failure to provide a compliant contract Failure to have system design variations documented and signed off by the consumer Failure to provide documentation Advertisements and promotions Point of contract Post-sale activities Documentation Severe / Severe / Major / Major 11 Jan 2022 02 Feb 2022 Signatory underwent an external audit and implemented amendments to its pre-sales and post-sales procedures and systems to prevent similar breaches reoccurring. Code Administrator is satisfied with remediation actions.
Clean Power Co Failure to complete remedial actions within a reasonable timeframe Termination of signatories Severe 09 Nov 2021 10 Dec 2021 Signatory successfully submitted requested remedial actions. Procedural recommendations arising from external audit have been implemented.
Freedom Energy Australia Failure to have system design variations documented and signed off by the consumer Failure to facilitate a grid connection request Failure to respond to the Code Administrator within a reasonable timeframe Post-sale activities Post-sale activities General business and obligations of Signatories Major / Major / Severe 14 Oct 2021 10 Dec 2021 Signatory successfully submitted requested remedial actions. Procedural recommendations arising from external audit have been implemented.
Smart Energy Answers Failure to comply with CEC Accreditation Guidelines Compliance with the law Severe 02 Oct 2021 28 Oct 2021 Signatory submitted a written undertaking to the Code Administrator and implemented amendments to their business procedures and systems to prevent similar breaches reoccurring. Code Administrator is satisfied with remediation actions.
Solar Arena Failure to comply with CEC Accreditation Guidelines Compliance with the law Severe 21 Oct 2021 26 Oct 2021 Audit undertaken and strategy implemented to prevent breach reoccurring. Results provided to Code Administrator who is satisfied all requirements have been met.
Sunbank Solar False and misleading statements High-pressure sales tactics Advertising and promotions Sales and quoting practices Severe / Major 20 Jul 2021 10 Aug 2021 Signatory underwent an external audit and made amendments to their sales procedures. Signatory submitted a written undertaking to ensure similar breaches of the Code do not occur.
Solarwyse Providing false and misleading statements/promises to a consumer in relation to their energy bills Applying pressure to a consumer to agree to make a hasty or uninformed purchase decision Failing to provide the system specifications, STC value, GST value and generic system performance estimate at the point of contract Advertising and promotions Sales and quoting practices Point of contract Severe / Major / Severe 17 May 2021 17 Jun 2021 Signatory has completed all of the required audit and remediation steps. Procedural recommendations arising from an independent audit have been implemented.
Smart Energy Group Failure to provide design and site-specific performance estimate Failure to provide design and site-specific performance estimate Failure to provide documentation (system manual) Failure to honour warranty on workmanship Failure to respond and deal appropriately with consumer complaint Point of contract<br> Point of contract<br> Documentation<br> Warranty<br> Complaints Handling<br> Severe Medium Medium Severe Medium 01 Dec 2021 18 Jan 2021 Signatory has completed audit and remediation steps. Procedural recommendations arising from internal audit have been implemented.
Code Section
Breach Level
Start Date
Grand Group Australia Pty Ltd Failure to provide a compliant contract / Failure to have system design variations documented and signed off by the consumer Failure to have system design variations documented and signed off by the consumer. Point of Contract / Pre Installation Severe / Major 11 May 2023
Zenith Solar & Electrical Failure to complete remedial actions within a reasonable timeframe Failure to have system design variations documented and signed off by the consumer. Termination of signatories Severe 12 Apr 2024
Aus Renewables Serious and wilful non-compliance with the potential to have a serious impact on a lesser number of consumers. / Failure to complete remedial actions within a reasonable timeframe. Failure to have system design variations documented and signed off by the consumer. Obligations of signatories and grounds for action to be taken / Termination of signatories Severe / Severe 12 Apr 2023
NETCC program for retailers

Compliance activity

Historical data for the Approved Solar Retailer program which ran from 2013 to 2023
<p>Compliance activity</p>

The Approved Solar Retailer program has now been replaced by the New Energy Tech Consumer Code (NETCC) program.

Here you can find information on the compliance activity from the Approved Solar Retailer program until January 2023, including information on complaints, breaches, suspensions and cancellations.

All Approved Seller compliance reports for February 2023 onwards are now located on the New Energy Tech Consumer Code (NETCC) program compliance activity page.

Monthly complaints received since May 2022

Breakdown of closed case outcomes in last 12 months (May 2022 to April 2023)

Note: if you cannot see all data labels on a mobile device, please view on a desktop device or click 'Get the data'.
No response refers to the complainant not responding to our queries.
Out of Jurisdiction occurs when the incident took place prior to the Retailer becoming a Signatory.