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The Clean Energy Council Member Code of Conduct provides an ethical framework for the conduct of members’ businesses and other activities.

The Code of Conduct defines how Clean Energy Council members are to relate to industry, government, employees, suppliers, consumers and the community. The Clean Energy Council requires that members operate in a professional manner, and with the highest level of commercial integrity.

In practice

This Code of Conduct provides a common behavioural framework for all Clean Energy Council members. Together with our purpose and strategic goals, it is a key part of the Clean Energy Council culture.

The Code of Conduct is not intended to be all-encompassing. There are areas in which the Clean Energy Council expects members to develop detailed policies in accordance with their local requirements. The Code of Conduct provides a set of guiding principles to incorporate with whatever additional local policies are required in businesses.

Member statement

As a member of the Clean Energy Council, I/we will:

  • contribute proactively to a clean energy future for Australia by demonstrating sustainable practices
  • demonstrate commitment to best practice and continual improvement of the industry including participation in voluntary guidelines and accreditations
  • conduct business in accordance with the laws and regulations of the jurisdictions in which I/we operate
  • compete fairly in the markets in which I/we operate
  • work safely and apply industry best practice to the health, safety and wellbeing of employees, clients, consumers, suppliers and communities
  • aim to bring long-term benefits to the industry, rather than short-term advantage for individuals
  • co-operate with and support the Clean Energy Council to achieve its objectives
  • show respect for the diverse range of people and cultures with whom I/we work and for their human rights
  • not be involved in corrupt or unlawful practices, bribery, discrimination or similar improper behaviour
  • refrain from making representations (media, government, other) on behalf of the Clean Energy Council
  • act ethically and with integrity, decency and respect for the community, consumers and the environment
  • perform and comply with any variation or amendments to the Code of Conduct made at any time by the Clean Energy Council.

I/We recognise that if the Board of the Clean Energy Council determines that I/we have breached any principle of the Code of Conduct, our membership may be suspended or terminated by the Board at its discretion.

By paying for Clean Energy Council membership, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.

These terms and conditions apply to all Clean Energy Council members, and are supported by the Constitution of the Clean Energy Council Limited.

  1. Members are bound by the Constitution of the Clean Energy Council Limited.
  2. The Clean Energy Council can refuse a membership application at its absolute discretion and without providing reasons.
  3. Membership fees must be paid in accordance with the payment terms on the invoice.
  4. Membership is for a period of 12 months.
  5. Membership is non-transferable and no portion of the membership fees will be refunded for any reason.
  6. Each member’s business name and contact phone number and a link to the member’s website will be displayed on the Clean Energy Council’s public website.
  7. The Clean Energy Council will treat members’ information in accordance with the Clean Energy Council’s Privacy Policy.
  8. Membership can be terminated in accordance with the Constitution and as described in the Membership Policy.
  9. Non‑compliance with the Member Code of Conduct may lead to suspension or expulsion from the Clean Energy Council membership.