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30 Jan 2023

The survey addresses a key ask made by Clean Energy Council Chief Executive Kane Thornton at the National Jobs & Skills Summit in 2022, where he said that it was vital to better understand and anticipate future workforce needs with detailed analysis and forecasting to truly capitalise on the opportunities presented by the clean energy transformation.

"The AEER will go a long way to ensuring the clean energy sector has the workforce required to deliver the 141 GW of large-scale wind and solar capacity, 63 GW of storage and hydro capacity, and 69 GW of small-scale solar and household batteries needed by 2050 to maintain reliability and keep prices down," said Thornton today in Melbourne.

"Addressing current and growing labour shortages and skills gaps requires a genuine collaboration between governments, community, agencies and development bodies, the education sector, and the clean energy industry.

"We don't have time to waste. Opportunity comes knocking once in a generation. This is our generation's opportunity to deliver a clean energy future for Australia and set us up to become a global clean energy superpower, creating an extraordinary legacy for Australian workers."

The Clean Energy Council is encouraging employers to contribute to the AEER surveyby its 30 April deadline.

The Clean Energy Council has a range of workforce resources, including:


For more information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Jane Aubrey
Clean Energy Council Public Affairs Manager
+61 409 470 683