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17 Nov 2021
This report explores the benefits of hydropower and demonstrates how it can provide the backbone necessary for our clean energy transition.
Hydropower: The Backbone of a Reliable Renewable Energy System explores the benefits of hydropower and pumped storage hydro, demonstrating how they can provide the backbone necessary for our clean energy transition.

Exploring the many benefits already provided by hydropower and pumped storage hydro and the significant opportunities that they enable, the report makes a compelling case for hydropower's enduring contribution to the Australian energy system and its potential to underpin the deep decarbonisation of the energy sector.

Hydropower can play an integral role in supporting the integration of wind and solar in the National Electricity Market.

With large energy storage capability, hydropower assets are very well placed to respond to prolonged periods of low wind and solar output, as well as avoid costly curtailment of wind and solar energy by storing excess energy for later use.

The development of additional hydropower assets would create thousands of jobs in regional Australia, and with their long operational lives, hydropower investments will see benefits for generations to come.

Hydropower is the forgotten giant of clean electricity, and it needs to be put squarely back on the energy and climate agenda if countries are serious about meeting their net-zero goals.
Dr Fatih Birol Executive Director, International Energy Agency

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