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14 Dec 2023

“It is fantastic to see the commitment of a tripling of global renewable energy capacity by 2030 signed, sealed and delivered with the unanimous passage of the final COP28 Agreement at the conclusion of the summit on Wednesday.

“Achieving consensus among 198 nations is no easy task; yet, such is the urgency of tackling the issue of climate change, that the world recognises renewable energy as the most cost-effective and impactful solution.“This is a watershed moment in Australia’s journey to becoming a global clean energy superpower, particularly given that investors have long sought greater certainty about the timeframes for the closure of coal-fired power stations, and their replacement with renewable generation and storage.“The Clean Energy Council continues to work alongside the Commonwealth Government in navigating this transition at home, and how any barriers to the growth of renewable energy investment can be overcome.”


For more information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Liam Straughan
Clean Energy Council Media Officer
+61 409 470 683