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03 Mar 2023

Each year, our Women in Renewables program strives to support greater opportunities for women at any level in the renewable energy industry, as well as those who are thinking about joining the sector.

This IWD we’re excited to celebrate not just for a day, but throughout next week and beyond, with a variety of activities that align with, and reinforce the importance of, UN Australia’s IWD theme, ‘Cracking the Code’.

Globally, the renewable energy industry employs more women as a percentage of its workforce – 32 per cent – than the broader energy sector – 22 per cent. However, within renewables, women’s participation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) jobs is significantly lower than in administrative jobs, suggesting there is still much work to be done to bring equality to the sector.

Empowering Everyone: Diversity in the Australian Clean Energy Sector, a survey by the Clean Energy Council in 2021, found that women represent 39 per cent of the Australian clean energy workforce – above the global figure. However, the survey also found that women hold only 19 per cent of Board positions in the Australian clean energy workforce, well below the 34.2 per cent of women on ASX 200 Boards.

There is still a significant way to go in the space of gender equity. We know that skills development, knowledge-sharing and mentorship play an essential part in improving the representation of women in the renewable energy sector, and that the benefits of creating greater equity in leadership will go beyond the renewables industry. It will play a key part in Australia’s transformation to becoming a clean energy superpower.

To enjoy the IWD stories, successes, challenges, facts, and our Instagram takeover, stay tuned to our Instagram and Facebook channels. There will also be a special IWD newsletter featuring profiles of the soon to be announced AICD Scholarship recipient, industry thought leaders and more. Subscribe here.