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Getting the grid ready

If clean energy is to expand at the required rate, the grid must significantly change, supported by extensive investment. Here's what we're doing to help improve stability, certainty and returns.

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<p>Getting the grid ready</p>

Australia's net zero targets are ambitious but achievable, if policy and investment can align.

If clean energy is to expand at the pace and scale needed, the grid must undergo through significant upgrades requiring extensive investment. Here’s what we’re doing to help improve certainty and returns. 

We need to ensure we avoid energy shortages as ageing coal plants exit the market. After a decade of political inaction on clean energy, renewable energy developers and investors are still facing significant connection, access and planning hurdles. Together with our members, we are working to help solve those issues.

Planning a large-scale renewable energy project is immensely complicated and can be delayed for a multitude of reasons. We're working with stakeholders to streamline planning requirements for developers and we're working with State Governments on the design of the REZs to ensure the investment signals are strong, access and connection regimes are fit for purpose, the timeline of transmission infrastructure is aligned with renewable energy generation buildout, and planning requirements do not cause delays. We continue to work closely with the New South Wales Government, Victorian and Queensland Governments on REZ development and envision this can be used as a blueprint for other states.

Submission on Powerlink’s roles in QLD REZ design and development
09 Jul 2024

Submission on Powerlink’s roles in QLD REZ design and development

The Clean Energy Council (CEC) welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission on the how Powerlink should undertake its responsibilities as transmission network service provider (TNSP) and REZ Delivery Body (RDB) for QLD Renewable Energy Zones (REZs).
Clean Energy Council releases Clean Energy Australia 2024 report
13 Mar 2024

Clean Energy Council releases Clean Energy Australia 2024 report

Media release: new report shows almost 40 percent of Australia's electricity supplied by renewables.
Draft Exposure Bill: Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan
04 Jul 2023

Draft Exposure Bill: Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan

Read our submission to the Queensland Department of Energy and Public Works.
Submission to NSW SW REZ Access Scheme position paper
18 May 2023

Submission to NSW SW REZ Access Scheme position paper

Read our submission on the Southwest Renewable Energy Zone (SW REZ) Access Scheme position paper.

Too often, renewables projects have to wait months for connection and access in order to progress to the next phases of project development.

Clean Energy Council, together with the Australian Energy Market Operator, established the Connections Reform Initiative to bring together CEC members, network service providers (NSPs) and industry stakeholders to co-design solutions to problems with the NEM's connections process. 

We're also working on transmission access reform to tackle congestion – when physical limits on the grid means mean generators can't export their power to customers. This includes transmission access reform, an evolving policy area that has seen significant changes since 2022. We will continue to work with the AEMC, State governments and agencies delivering REZ, industry bodies, alongside our members, to deliver the best outcomes for the renewable energy industry.

Connections Reform Initiative
27 Mar 2024

Connections Reform Initiative

The National Electricity Market (NEM) continues to evolve through a period of significant transformation, characterised by greater penetration of inverter-based resources, a more diverse generation mix and a more decentralised system.

Renewable energy sources are intermittent, dependent on when the sun shines and the wind blows. It's important therefore that the grid can deal with voltage fluctuations, periods of low inertia, and is strong, stable and secure. 

We're working to improve consistency across multiple policy reform projects on system strength and lobbying to ensure renewable projects aren't lumped with all the costs associated with upgrading the energy system. This forms a key focus area as we learn about the changes that come with operating a system run mostly by power electronics.

Fixing the System Strength Frameworks Discussion Paper
19 Mar 2024

Fixing the System Strength Frameworks Discussion Paper

System strength unlocks the capabilities of renewables, and is central to delivering cheap, reliable, zero carbon electricity supply to consumers.
Energy Security in Australia

Energy Security in Australia

Energy security relates to how the electricity grid or 'power system' reacts to events that may influence it. It includes the grid's capability to react and recover securely to major events such as faults or generation tripping, termed 'contingencies'.

Australia regularly generates most of its power from renewables during the day, but much less at night. Storage provided by batteries, hydro or other storage technologies is necessary to keep the lights on. 

Since the release of the expanded Capacity Investment Scheme by the Commonwealth Government, we have been a pivotal voice for the industry in how the scheme is developed. Alongside the Capacity Investment Scheme, the Long-Term Energy Support Agreement scheme in New South Wales, the Supergrid Blueprint in Queensland and the State Electricity Commission in Victoria are key developments that will ensure Australia reaches 100 per cent renewables.

Capacity Investment Scheme Consultation Submission
04 Sep 2023

Capacity Investment Scheme Consultation Submission

The Clean Energy Council welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Capacity Investment Scheme consultation
Capacity Investment Scheme
09 Dec 2022

Capacity Investment Scheme

The recent announcement from federal and state ministers of the Capacity Investment Scheme represents a major milestone for the decarbonisation of the NEM.
Market, investment and grid

Market, investment and grid

This sector focuses on the economic and technical regulatory environment that underpins the National Electricity Market and power system.

The Federal Government is investing significantly in supporting transmission network system providers building the transmission needed to deliver renewable energy to homes and businesses across the country. It's a huge build that has met opposition from some communities.

We're working with governments and regulatory bodies to ensure we have a modern grid and transmission network system providers are incentivised for the continuous improvements in grid enhancement. Alongside the technical nature of changes, we’re also working with various stakeholders to facilitate better community engagement, appropriate benefit-sharing and better planning processes to ensure social license exists to deliver key transmission projects.

The Market, Investment and Grid team covers in depth key reforms that relate to ensuring the energy transition is well underway covering both economic and technical aspects of the transmission challenge.

AEMO planning places renewables in pole position in the race to net-zero
15 Dec 2023

AEMO planning places renewables in pole position in the race to net-zero

The latest national energy plan from Australia’s market operator indicates that commitments made at COP28 to triple renewable generation capacity by 2030 are achievable with increased investment in generation, storage and transmission.
NSW transmission build critical to delivering low-cost, clean energy
25 May 2023

NSW transmission build critical to delivering low-cost, clean energy

The Clean Energy Council is pleased to see the Minns Government commitment to renewable energy zones and transmission.
Market, investment and grid

Market, investment and grid

This sector focuses on the economic and technical regulatory environment that underpins the National Electricity Market and power system.


  1. total investment in renewable generation projects (AUD$) as of 31 Dec 2023

12.29 GW

of total renewable generation capacity as of 31 Dec 2023

The Market, Investment and Grid Directorate is focused on the economic, technical, and regulatory environment that underpins the National Electricity Market. 

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The majority of our policy work is developed with our members in directorates, with working groups and committees tackling specific challenges.
Christiaan Zuur


Meet the Director

Christiaan Zuur Director, Market, Investment and Grid
The transition to 100 per cent renewables is first and foremost a challenge of economics and engineering, which I'm excited to tackle with some of the best minds in the business and find a way forward.

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As a member of the Clean Energy Council you can join our directorates and working groups, and add your voice to about 1,000 other members shaping the direction of the clean energy industry. Together, we can accelerate the energy transition and bring the benefits of renewables to all Australians.
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If your organisation is interested in Australia's energy grid, register now for these upcoming events.
Australian Clean Energy Summit 2024

Australian Clean Energy Summit 2024

16 Jul - 17 Jul 2024
Melbourne Member Mixer 2024

Melbourne Member Mixer 2024

13 Jun 2024
All Energy Australia 2024

All Energy Australia 2024

23 Oct - 24 Oct 2024