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14 Feb 2024

The Australian Offshore Wind Taskforce has convened for an inaugural in-person meeting in Melbourne.

Chaired by the Clean Energy Council, the taskforce includes senior representatives from State and Federal Governments, developers with announced offshore wind projects in Australia, the Offshore Infrastructure Regulator, the National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator, and the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner.

The taskforce was established in response to industry identifying the need for a coordinated and collaborative approach towards the substantial decarbonisation and economic opportunities that offshore wind presents in Australia.

Two key priorities identified by participants include establishing a clear structure and implementation pathway for a national coordination body, as well as exploring the role of a national offshore wind target or strategic ambition to strengthen and support the delivery of generation infrastructure.

“The opportunities for offshore wind energy is immense, and it is critical that our resolve to deliver this critical aspect of Australia’s clean energy transformation is equally as strong,” said Clean Energy Council Director of Offshore Wind, Morgan Rossiter.

“While establishing a new industry has many challenges, the work of this Taskforce will centre on learning from the successes and missteps of other markets, so we can maximise the strengths we have here in Australia.

“Through greater coordination and collaboration between industry and government, we can increase investor confidence, boost long term employment, strengthen supply chains, reduce environmental impacts and empower communities. This will reduce the risks of costs and delays, and increase the share of clean, reliable and affordable offshore electricity being delivered into our grid, sooner.”

The Taskforce will meet four more times throughout 2024, before delivering two position papers in December speaking to the outlined priorities.


For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Liam Straughan

Clean Energy Council Media Officer

+61 409 470 683