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03 May 2024
The following statement is attributable to Clean Energy Council Acting Policy Director - Workforce Development, Nicole Boldt:

“The announcement of the expanded New Energy Apprenticeships Program is welcome recognition of the need to support more people to take up and stay in apprenticeships that are critical for Australia’s clean energy transition.

“Attracting people into apprenticeships and supporting them to complete will go towards addressing the workforce challenge facing Australia’s clean energy sector.

“Australia needs to grow the pool of qualified, skilled and safe tradespeople available to work on clean energy projects and this is a positive step forward.

“For example, we know from reports such as Jobs and Skills Australia’s The Clean Energy Generation, that we need 32,000 additional electricians to meet Australia’s 82 per cent renewable generation in the National Electricity Market.

“The Clean Energy Council looks forward to continuing to work with the Australian Government in ensuring the clean energy sector has access to the skilled workforce it needs to deliver the energy transition.”


For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Liam Straughan

Clean Energy Council Media Officer

+61 409 470 683