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16 Sep 2024

The Clean Energy Council congratulates the NSW Government on announcing a new consumer energy strategy today, which recognises the crucial role for consumer energy resources (CER), including rooftop solar, batteries, electrification and energy efficiency, in lowering household bills and meeting legislated climate and energy targets.

Clean Energy Council Acting Chief Policy & Impact Officer, Con Hristodoulidis, said that today's announcement is a defining moment for the state's energy ambitions and is also the first of its kind to acknowledge the need for orchestrated energy storage via home batteries, to strengthen the energy system.

"The success of rooftop solar uptake in Australia, not least in New South Wales, which has just surpassed the one million installation mark, demonstrates the importance of maximising the value of consumer energy resources not just for those households that have adopted these technologies, but to all energy customers," Hristodoulidis said.

"The NSW Government's strategy is an encouraging step in the right direction in delivering on this promise, through a new incentive and rebate scheme to support energy efficiency upgrades and concrete targets for rooftop solar and battery uptake, among others, with an emphasis on orchestration."

Orchestrated home batteries can not only store solar energy for use at night but also trade energy with the grid to drive additional value for the consumer and the energy system.

Modelling commissioned and published by the Clean Energy Council has revealed that households can expect annual bill savings of between $900 - $1000 with non-orchestrated batteries and $1150 - $1500 with orchestrated batteries, as well as enjoying greater energy security and independence.

In June 2024, the Clean Energy Council also released Powering homes, empowering people: A national Consumer Energy Resources roadmap, outlining a suite of key policies needed to capitalise on its the country’s world-leading uptake of rooftop solar and empower homes and businesses to embrace an electric future.

We are excited to see the NSW Government's recognition and implementation of several of the principles outlined in our roadmap and we look forward to working closely with them across the implementation of these groundbreaking programs,
Con Hristodoulidis Clean Energy Council Acting Chief Policy & Impact Officer


For more information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Liam Straughan
Clean Energy Council Media Officer
+61 409 470 683