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12 Jan 2024

At the time, Maxime was an environmental master’s student. When viewing the Career Launcher advertisement on a university job notice board, she was eager to get involved in this opportunity.

Maxime said, “The Career Launcher Program was my entry to the industry; I got first-hand experience and support through a mentor on the day. Once I graduated, I reconnected with my sponsoring organisation, Clean Energy Council, and was able to kickstart my career in renewable energy with them.”“While my studies introduced me to renewable energy concepts, the Career Launcher Program allowed me to experience the industry, current projects, and important players firsthand.”“The Career Launcher Program created a real sense of community between the students attending; we were all able to introduce each other to our mentors and discuss how best to navigate the renewable energy industry, particularly as women, together,” she said.In October 2023, Maxime was formally offered a position at the Clean Energy Council, where she has already gained a reputation for being one of the team’s rising stars.While her passion and hard work have been crucial elements to her success in the role, the Career Launcher Program was a key catalyst for her burgeoning career in renewables and beyond.

To register for the Career Launcher Program, visit Career Launcher Ticket | Clean Energy Council